And so the adventure begins!
Monday, May 29, 2017Okay so it is only a mere 16 hours until i jet off to New York City for round 2! I have been very fortunate to have already been to New York before, but obviously this is a different ball game!
I have had a lovely yet sad weekend saying bye to my nearest and dearest! I had to say goodbye to my best friend of 16 years, this will be our first ever summer apart since we were 4 years old! And yesteday my family and I had a lovely meal at the Raggalds in Queensbury. I stocked up on a beautiful carvery... it will be the last yorkshire pudding and bit of proper gravy i consume for 4 months!

Now thats all of the nice part of the weekend... on Saturday i started to feel unwell and was up half the night with a temperature on Saturday night and now im suffering from a cold, GREAT TIMING!
We have been for my last ever Fish and Chips for 4 months at murgatroyds! Not that I could really taste it due to my cold!
Aaaaand we have had the glory of re-packing.
Packing has been my worst enemy this weekend! I finally pretty much finished packing last night... until I tried to shut my case and there was not a prayer it would zip up (and it would probably have been waaaaay over my 25kg luggage allowance)

I feel like I have genuinely packed everything I need for 4 months away! But it seems that even at 20 years old a girl needs her Mum to help her pack haha!
So we started again and mum worked her magic and thankfully this time my case shut.
We even had to weigh my makeup bag... which weighs 1kg itself! Bringing my luggage weight to 25kg - bang on the weight limit!😂
I honestly dont know how i'm going to do it! I genuinely have chicken arms and struggle carting my case 3 minutes from my halls to the megabus, let alone from the East to the West coast of America!
So this is my last blog post on UK soil! I am hoping to write a section of a New York blog every spare 5 minutes I get, to try abd upload before going to camp on Friday!
I cannot believe how fast this has all come around! I mean, its been a long time coming as I first applied for AmeriCamp in August 2015!
I can't wait! I am soo grateful I get to have this experience, I will miss everyone so much.
My parents and I are setting off at 6am to go to Manchester Airport where I will meet with Fran, Amy, Robbie and Dan. Our fligjt leaves for JFK at 10.35am!
So until next time... SPEAK TO YA'LL STATESIDE LOVELIES ✈️🇺🇸
Jade xoxo
P.s thank you so much Beth for my cute hamsa bracelet! I love it xx