Festival Weekend - Session 1
Tuesday, June 27, 2017I just want to add before this blog starts, that I have never been surrounded by so many talented young people! They worked incredibly hard the last 2 and a half weeks and I now understand why some want to come to art to chill out haha.
Day 19: Friday 23rd June waw
Today was the second to last day of a normal timetable before the parents come to visit!
We went to go and see the one act plays which were amazing! 2 of our campers Savannah and Ella were in them! Honestly, the amount of work put in within a 2 weeks time period is astonishing.
I finally got to facetime my parents tonight too, they woke up at 3am UK time to facetime me and catch up which was so nice. Today is the first day i've really felt homesick, and I think it's because it's almost the anniversary of the Tunisia Attack which is always a difficult time for us and probably the only time during the Summer where we all really need each other as a strong support network. Thankfully they cheered me up by telling me I would get to facetime my little cousin in the morning as they will be looking after her for the day!
Saturday 24th June
I woke up really excited to facetime my parents and little cousin Emily! She is so cute, I love and miss her a lot. It was so lovely, they were at the park ready to gave a go on the swings and slides - Dad included haha. I even got to see my Grandma and Grandad as they visited them in the afternoon, even just such a short facetime meant so much during this difficult weekend.

Monday will be the day in which it will be the anniversary of the attack, and also the busiest parent visiting day of the weekend. I was meant to be going to the airport all day and picking up international children in time for next session, however, after speaking to my parents and after having the loveliest head counselor ever, it was changed. I mean I would have been the face of the camp, the first Frenchwoods Counselor certain children meet, I didn't feel I was the right person for the job that day especially not in an airport situation, i feel i will react better up in the mountains in my little camp bubble.
Tonight we went to see our fellor Camper in "Fiddler on The Roof" and OH WOW I do not have many words. It was outstanding. These children have only been working on that show for FOURTEEN DAYS! It would usually take a normal cast 4 months maybe longer to pull that off. The lines were great, the live orchestra were amazing. I cannot wait to see the rest!!
I was on area duty tonight around the skate park and magic, it's a really creepy job in the dark, having to patrol the area to make sure there are no campers sneaking out.
Luckily we were let off early at 11.15pm so I was fast asleep by 11:30, ready to meet our girls parents tomorrow! So excited!
Sunday 25th June
Today was classed as a 6 minor day, where the children pick 6 minor activities to do that day, and the parents can shadow! We first of all met Izzie's and Savannahs parents, then Katie's, then Ella's. They all have such lovely families!
After lunch we went to go and watch the circus show which was amazing. These children have some guts, I mean I have done trapeze and silks, and the bruises I had, and pain in muscles I didn't even know existed was awful!

After, I headed back to Art to help set up for the art show. I made a little Jewellery piece to show examples of various types we do during classes - I wish I took a photo.
After dinner it was time to watch Natalie and Katie in "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying". It was 3 hours long but amazing, the characterisation was phenomenal.
The firefly circus show was on at 11pm. There was fire flying around - no pun intended. People flying around ob swinging trapeze. Hoops on fire and the lot.

Not the best photo but hey ho.
By the time we got to bed it was 12am and the girls were a little hyper from their shows and seeing their parents. It made me so happy seeing them reunite with their parents, but also made me sad because I want to see mine and I cant for a few months.
Monday 26th June
Today was always going to be the toughest. I woke up at 6.15am to get showered and facetime my parents at the time the attack would have happened. Not going to lie, I got upset because of all the flashbacks and not being able to be with my parents. Thankfully the dance show cheered me up and it was time for lunch.
In the afternoon, we watched a matinee performance of Shrek which was absolutely phenomenal! I would have paid to see that on the West End. It was cast perfectly, and everything was so perfect.

After, it was dinner time - see how I say i'm ALWAYS eating haha.
We then had to say goodbye to Izzie - so sad. I didn't want her to go! She's lucky and will be able to relax for a month in Portugal. SO JEALOUS! My next sleep in past 7.30am will be in October...
We then went to see catch me if you can, which 3 of our beautiful girls was in. It was great and all the cast was talented.
It was then time to say goodbye to Katie, which was so sad! I dont want any of the girls to go! We also got a new Super CIT (counselor in training) in our bunk, she is basically half counselor and half camper. So she gets the best of both worlds! She seems really lovely.
It was then time to head off to the wifi and then bed. We have a long day ahead tomorrow which is the end of session 1 and start of session 2!
Jade x x x x
P.S feel free to add my snapchat, I try upload as much as I can there. - Jadejdb