Fourth of July!
Friday, July 07, 2017So today is the 4th July! The American Independence day - call me silly but I did not know the Americans fought the Brits!
It was a rather sharp morning wakeup call at 7.20am. The camps marching band came around all the bunks and woke us all up haha, it was quite something.
Then it was time. Time for the moment all the kids waited for. Throwing the british counselors in the lake! We made our way down to the lake and Steph kindly threw me in the lake after she had been thrown in haha.

We then showered after our brisk wake up call. Instead of joining in dance today I sat in the WiFi room and discussed with Fran what we would be doing in the 4th July ceremony as the 118 118 guys.

The day proceeded as normal, however we didn't have our 15 minute breaks between classes which meant dinner was early - sorry northerners, i'm a changed woman and I now call "tea" "dinner", bloody Americans and southerners haha.
Unfortunately today was a sad day as due to unforeseen circumstances Kaija had to leave camp, but hopefully she will be coming back next year yay! It was really sad, and I will miss her so much!
After dinner we all gathered on the tennis courts and each country gave a presentation. Fran and I chickened out and we just stood and sang and danced along with the other acts. Robbie busted his moves in Steps 5,6,7,8 and Dan played Price Harry haha.
Then, we all trekked down to the big circus Pavillion to watch and listen to the orchestra play every national anthem of every country present at camp. We all had to stand up for our own country's national anthem and the whole camp stood up for the American national anthem.
The orchestra played different patriotic songs, whilst we were paying our respects to the people whom served in the, American Navy and the marines etc.

It was dark by the time we left the circus pavillion, so we headed to canteen for pizza, ice cream and fireworks!
Needless to say I am now really not the biggest fan of fireworks due to the noise, but these were amazing and I managed to stay for them all!

I managed to get to bed nice and early at around 11, ready for our nice day off in New York!
Overall it was a really great first ever Forth of July celebration. It was lovely to see everyone come together to celebrate the day. It was just a little sad due to Kaija leaving. Hopefully it will be the same time and same place next year!
Jade xoxo