Session 4, Week 2
Monday, August 21, 2017Monday 14th August
The second to last week of camp is here already! This time in 2 weeks i'll be in Boston with Robyn?! How insane!
Today is finally a lazy day, but not just any lazy day. Today is "Sing" day. Campers stay 1 week of Fourth session to compete in sing. Other camps have a colour war, we have sing.
Not going to lie, I flew into this day not having the slightest clue what on earth was happening. I'm the only counselor in the bunk on lazy day, and our super Abby is one of the main roles in the girls team, so she has been awake all hours preparing bless her.
I awoke to the girls from next door laughing and giggling in what I think was Spanish? However, I can't be quite sure as I had just woken up haha. Thankfully, it was 10am and i'd had a reasonable amount of sleep.
We all went to brunch at 10.45 and came back to the bunk for a super clean up as it is one of the aspects the judges look at on both the boys and girls side.
We attended the first girls meeting at 12pm where we learnt a revised version of Britney Spears song "Circus", as that was the girls theme. The boys theme was "jungle". We then did nothing until 3pm when we learnt the Alpha Mater, which was a team song made from scratch by a couple of campers. It was about how French Woods is your home away from home.
By the time we learnt the song it was almost time for dinner.
After dinner, the girls met at the playhouse and we marched around with tickets to the circus! We entered the pavillion and Sing began. The participants competed in dance, circus, magic, plaque and tshirt designs, decoration and many more. It was very incredible!

The team spirit between everyone in the building was incredible and enough to make anyone tear up. I just want to say an incredible well done to my Super Abby who worked so hard on the whole thing! She should be so proud! Also, my camper helped design the Girls Sing plaque which was impressive.
The boys won, but everyone danced for joy to celebrate, it was a great atmosphere. Ron even treated us to an extra half an hour sleep in until 8am woohoo!
Tuesday 15th August
We all awoke at 8am. It was a very usual day at the woods, and my last day before my day off woo!
In the evening, we had a smores party for one of my campers birthday! Although, it was upsetting as it started raining... when I mean raining, I mean a torrential downpour.
Luckily, the pool is by the circus arena so the kids could stay there as they were watching the staff talent show. However, I wanted to watch Abby's last show as I wouldn't be able to watch it with my bunk as it would be my day off.
Well, on the way I got absolutely drenched! A head counselor gave me her brolly to walk back to the bunk and get changed!

The show I saw my super in has been in progress since session 2, it was a show called "assassins" which was about the assassination of American Presidents. It was great.
After the show, I headed up to Wi-Fi to watch a film with a few girls - we watched the thriller "Hush". It was so good! Well worth the watch!
I think we were all scared to go back to our cabins after that haha!
Wednesday 16th August
The trip was to the place where it all began 12 weeks ago, Binghamton. That was our first staff trip, when Fran, Robbie, Amy and I were running riot around walmart with a massive trolley full of things.
We set off around 9.45am and arrived at around 11am which gave us a solid 9.5 hours to do whatever we wished.
First of all, Robbie headed straight to Starbucks... actually, I should call him Bobby haha.

We then had a browse in Target and Kohls, where I found my lipstick I accidentally smashed which cannot be purchased in England any more! It's legit the best lipstick ever, goes with anything! I did get a dupe of it in Sephora too which is probably even better.

We then headed over to the retail park with Walmart in and had a nice stroll around the shops. We weren't after anything in particular which was nice.
As we has looked around the shops by 3pm, we decided that we would go and see the new Annabelle 2: Creation. Honestly, we walked into the cinemas and there were just leather seats! They were huge, red, reclining seats. I was so impressed. They even layed right back into almost a bed! Honestly, they were so comfy. Well, I mean anything could be classed as comfy when all you've sat on for 12 weeks is wood.

As I presumed Annabelle 2 was very scary, well for me anyway. I get scared quite easily.
After the movie, we headed to TGI Fridays! Oh I forgot to mention, I had real maltesers.

It was the best thing ever. I mean they tasted a tad different, but it was okay because it was a little taste of home sweet home.
After TGI's it was time to head back to camp and head back out on the staff trip ro the movies. The movie was the Nut Job 2. I watched the first one around 2 years ago and I vaguely remember enjoying it, and who doesn't like cartoon films?! Safe to say it was a great lighthearted film, I would reccommend it.
We arrived back at camp around 12.45 and went straight to bed, ready for the day ahead.
Thursday 17th August
This morning was a sad morning as our G11B Super CIT left! She starts college on Monday so she had to leave to get sorted. Good luck Abby! I also facetimed my parents this morning yay!

It was good to see their little faces, I miss them far too much. I knew this would be hard, but I don't think I understood how hard it would be.
It was a shortened day in the afternoon, as it was race for the arts in the evening. Of course, Robbie brought his speaker and we had a great sing along to some Hilary Duff bangers.

I mean, the general idea of us counselors doing race for the arts each session is that we are meant to beat our own personal record every time. Unfortunately for Robbie and I, we get slower and slower each time. I mean, this time it was my fault, I left my water bottle half way around the lake (where the photo above is taken), and I only realised when we were almost at the finishing line (baring in mind this is a 4k race).
Robbie was a little gem, he walked back around the lake with me, meaning we actually walked an extra 1km haha.
Afterwards, we had the privelidge of watching Jason Robert Brown, whom is a famous composer. He himself came to Frenchwoods and now his daughter comes to camp! He was great. I mean, it would have been better if my bunk was actually early/on time and we got better seats. We ended up sat at the side of the stage, with the lid of the piano covering his face. We could see his luscious locks, and occasionally a raise of an eyebrow.
At the end of the show, Steph and I took a cheeky "selfie" with him haha.

We then had a staff meeting which is always fun *note the sarcasm*.
Friday 18th August
Today was an average day in the woods. But was it? I mean is anything average here? Of course not! This is French Woods! The literaly original Broadway Mary Poppins actress was here giving master classes and the New York pops were here preparing for a concert in the evening, which two of my campers had the privelidge of performing in. I was so proud of them!
The evening activity was the New York pops concert with a special appearance from the real Mary Poppins whom was sporting the most amazing dress and Loboutin heels! Accompanying her was a male gentleman whose name I cannot actually remember. The finale song was performed by the two and a handful of Frenchwoods campers, they samg Les Mis' "One Day More". They were absolutely phenomenal!
Post Pops concert, Robbie, Steph and I and a few others spent the night in the wifi room watching A Cinderella Story. We was going to watch the Lizzie McGuire movie but it wasn't on Netflix anymore! We got to bed around 1am, that's the time you hace to go to bed around here if you want a social life!
Saturday 19th August
Banquet day! Yesssss! I am not joking when I say we legit made a tight showering schedule - half the bunk in the morning, and half at night.
I took a shower in my period off in the morning so I could actually shower in warm/hot water.
Everyone was so excited about banquet, speaking about their dates and what they were wearing all day.
When it came to the afternoon, it was my time to shine and turn into a makeup artist. I handed out false eyelashes, did Fran and Row's eye makeup - which I was so proud of. I wish I had a picture of Frans eyes!
I then went to my chainmaile lesson and did my co worker Molly's base makeup and her hair. I then even put a tad of foundation on one of my campers haha! When I went back to the bunk, my makeup skills were still ready to be shown, I put false eyelashes on my co counselors twin - Kelly, and also did Steph's eye makeup!
I'm sure my parents, and even my friends will be reading this thinking how on earth did you manage to get yourself ready?! Surprisingly, I wasn't that late... I mean Robbie just came to the bunk early haha! Usually, the pre party comes to me in my room haha. Robbie showed up at the bunk with his two little side men, who were looking soo cute!
I was a little upset about my outfit for banquet, I didn't bring one of my many nice dress' or heels, so at first I thought my outfit was a little under dressed. But it's amazing what some makeup can do to an outfit, I didn't feel out of place at all once being at banquet.
There was a band playing soft music in the background, and a huge marquè. Within the marquè was buffet style finger food with a huuuuge platter of shrimp, mini sausages in a pastry (a bit like a sausage roll which made us Brits slightly happier haha). There were nachos, cheesecake, spring rolls. It was really nice. I mean I barely ate anything, but what I had was lovely. I started questioning whether I was actually at Frenchwoods anymore? It felt like I was in a completely different place. Here are some pictures from Banquet which I have taken, I haven't had chance to steal any from anybody else yet.

Sorry for picture overload haha! Mum, I know you'll be proud i'm actually smiling in them all haha.
The evening activity was troupe night, but before the troupes came on, Frenchwoods Citizenship awards were being handed out by Ron, Isaac and the former recievers of the citizenship awards. I don't think I stopped smiling all evening!
Nights like this, where I get to watch the campers perform things they are passionate about is why I came to camp. I love seeing them do what they do best. This is why I am 100% coming back next year. I dont think anyone quite knows what camp is like unless you've experienced it.
I mean, this summer has honestly been the most stressful, emotional, exhausting and happiest experience of my entire life, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
Sunday 20th August
It's lazy day woohoo! I awoke at 8am to one of my campers having a blooming spring clean of her things, she quickly became quiet when my head sprung up over the top bunk, sleepily glaring at her.
I re-awoke at a more acceptable 10am, and headed to brunch at 10:45. It's always going to be a happy day when it's cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
Afterwards, the girls and I headed back to the bunk. They didn't want to go down to the pool, so the two girls whom are leaving tomorrow packed and I also started to pack. Wow, I didn't realise how much unnecessary paperwork I had accumulat

I managed to pack maybe 3/4 of my things... or I reckon I have packed that much, but I will probably come to realisation on Friday how much I haven't packed. The only reason I started packing now, is so that when the girls parents are here over the due course of the week I don't seem too rude packing up infront of them haha.
We then headed to the movies in Hancock. We had a choice between the Nut Job 2 and Dunkirk. Maddie and I picked Dunkirk. Although, we didn't know the whole was through the film whether they were making their way to Dunkirk, or coming home from Dunkirk? Luckily, my Mum quickly cleared that for us. Also, we seemed to think that Harry Styles had a doppleganger until there were 5 minutes left of the film and my Mum also cleared that it was in fact the man himself (Harry Styles) in the film! Who knew?! All in all, it was a great film (once we knew what was actually happening) with very very little dialogue - those actors were lucky haha.
It was straight to dinner when we arrived back home. Sweet potato fries were served woo!
During rest hour, I had a quick power nap because apparently once you start giving your sleep deprived body a real night sleep, it just wants more! We then went to our last Brain Wars of the summer, and ended it with the lights off and swaying to the Frenchwoods classic "Piano Man" song.

I am so sorry this post is incredibly long! But it is my penultimate camp blog post! I can't believe it. I want camp to end because it means I get to see my parents and part 2 of the adventure begins. However, camp truly is a little safe haven. I am going to be devastated to leave. I'm going to try and post the final week on Sunday!
Hope y'all have a fabulous week!
Jade xoxo