Festival Weekend - Take 2
Friday, July 21, 2017I forgot to add into my last blog post that AmeriCamp visited frenchwoods on Wednesday, however I never saw them! :(
Thursday 13th July
The most exciting thing about today was finishing the grouting on our mosaic masterpiece. We also managed to make the outdoor art room smell like a nail salon from wiping excess grout with acetone style solution haha. I didn't have any energy for dance today, neither did Liv haha.
The evening activity was rock shop again, this time our camper Fiona was in a band and she rocked it!
We had meeting night about festival weekend so we were all on duty, meaning I got an "early night" aka 12am haha.
Friday 14th July
The shows are finally here! I woke up extra early at 6am to speak to my parents. It's the only time thats kind of convenient than making them wake up at 4am on a weekend.
It was a nice chat before going back to the bunk ready for breakfast. Safe to say, the bags under my eyes are by my cheek bones right now. It's horrific!
Today ran as a the last normal day of session 2! It was the last dance practice before the dress rehearsal too. It's gone so quick I can't believe it. Session 1 went by so slow in comparison.
The evening activity was watching Pinnochio and Peter Pan which were lower camp shows. Oh my gosh they were all so bloody cute!!! I forgot how dark the tale of Pinnochio is!
Afterwards, it was time to just chill in the WiFi room with Fran and Ciara, we arranged to watch a film on the T.V in there. Not that the WiFi even matters at 10pm when it's 3am in the UK and nobody is awake. It only took us 3 rubbish scary films before we decided to sack it off as a bad job haha.
I didn't get to sleep until around 1.15am, yet again another late night. My body is not thanking me haha.
Saturday 15th July
Today was exciting because it was the dance dress rehearsal! Liv couldn't come because she was on airport duty.
This meant that I missed out on working in art all morning, not that I cared because I love dance too much. However, I ended up missing the circus show in the afternoon as I would have felt guilty only showing up to work in art for 1 hour. We also had to set up for the art show!
Pretty much all the girls parents were here by just after lunch. It's always lovely meeting the girls parents. I'm exceptionally jealous of one camper whom lives in Boca in Florida, especially after her Mum showed me a video of her bedroom! Haha. P.S I'm moving in Spencer.
Rumour also has it that Alicia Keys abd Debra Messing made an appearance - I did see Alicia with my own eyes too!
I worked in jewellery all afternoon cutting string after string haha! I managed to make Steph a birthday bracelet however.
In the evening after dinner we set up for the art show. All the art staff take it in turns of 15 minute stints. Here are a few pictures of our nature craft and mosaic projects!

Yes that is the Harry Potter spider scene made out of pine cones.

Afterwards, it was time to watch Tarzan, however, it was so busy that we ended up seeing Hunchback of Notre Dame. Oh my gosh it was unreal. The casting was amazing, these are truly talented kids. This was the first time the show was done outside of Broadway and all the kids learnt all the proper Latin in the song.

It was then time for the circus firefly show, however, some girls didn't want to go so we had a little party in the bunk as I was on duty.
Sunday 16th July
Today was the last day of visiting weekend!
The girls parents came and we were scheduled to see a show in the afternoon, however, it was far too hot to sit in the playhouse theatre (which was the theatre we were scheduled to go to). There were around 8 other shows happening at the same time so camp was chaotic! Steph and I ended up cleaning the bunk.
It was also the dance concert today! It was finally time to perform the dance we had been working on for 3 weeks! I'm not sure who was more nervous, me and Liv or the kids!
In the evening we watched Tarzan which was great!!
Most of the girls left which was sad, but one door closes and another one opens!
All in all, it was a great festival weekend but veryyyy hot!
And here comes session 3!
Jade xoxo