Session 3, Week 1!
Thursday, July 27, 2017I cannot actually believe session 3 is here! Session 1 went by so slow and session 2 just flew by!!
Monday 17th July
Its change over day again! 4 of the girls are at camp session 2&3 so for them, it was a nice day by the pool. For Steph and I, it was a HOT day in the bunk helping kids unpack. And Alice? Well the kids never see Alice until about 5 days into the session once the layover shows and auditions are done haha.
All the new girls are really lovely! I'm looking forward to spending the next 3 weeks with them all. I even get to be on a top bunk for 3 weeks because one of tbe girls wanted my bottom bunk haha.
At dinner time, we finally got a cake for Stephs birthday (which was Sunday).
The evening activity was the orientation again for the kids and we managed to have an early night woohoo, a solid 5 hours sleep for me.

Tuesday 18th July
6 minor day. The day where I get to run around camp all day watching the kids do various activities and making sure they make all of their auditions.
It should be my day off, but I was nice and volunteered to stay with the kids and help the new ones on their first day. It's a nice day for an opportunity for me to actually get to know and bond with the girls. It's so lovely, and it was soooo hottttt!
Below is a picture of the chaos when the callback list is up for Middle and Upper camp haha. Don't be decieved by the cloud, blue skies appeared a little later I promise!
The evening was "A night with Josh" again, and our Super (Abby) sang. She is amazing! She even got callbacks for all of the 6 upper camp shows! We sang to Beauty and the Beast and the Little Mermaid.
Wednesday 19th July
Steph and I woke up early and had a workout at the gym. During my free period I finally got to facetime Shauna! I haven't facetime'd her since being in the States, I mean when is there even time?! I even got to see little Isaac whom is now 1 years old!
Today was a normal schedule, and it was VERY hot again. The weather finally seems to be perking up. My schedule for session 3 is pretty much the same as session 2 - Free, Nature Crafts, Batik, Lunch, Ceramics, Mosaic and then chain maile. I really want to start a project in ceramics this session, maybe a beauty and the beast chip mug?
Now, I have a really tragic story to tell. But there is a happy ending.
Basically, yesterday I was innocently sat doing my makeup and I dropped my eyelash glue lid down the cracks in the porch. It just rolled out of my hand and off down the crack it went. Well I was devastated, anyone who knows me well knows my eyelashes are my baby's. I mean I literally bought like over 30 pairs (no exaggeration) for camp. 15 before camp, and 19 pairs during. I can't live with my duo eyelash glue drying out and having to wait another 4 weeks for it to turn up (because we live in the mountains, in the middle of nowhere, you have to wait weeks).
I was so desperate I took matters into my own hands. I tried tieing what looked like an old ink quil and a plastic fork from the dining hall together and attachedsome sticky tape to the end, so that I could shove it down the crack in the porch in desperate hope. All the girls thought I was crazy.
Unfortunatley, my makeshift lid grabber wasn't long enough. My second to youngest camper then had a brilliant idea. She gave me her back scratcher and I rolled some sticky tape around the end. The girls laughed at me as it looked like I was playing that old board game "Operation" where you try and pull the mans bones out of the board without touching the sides. That was me when the back scratcher picked up my eyelash glue lid, I wasn't going to lose it forever - especially with Albert the Albino skunk scurrying around.

And it only went and worked! My eyelash glue lid was reunited with the glue tube, and my pink pen which sadly rolled down the crack was also back. There is never a dull moment in this bunk.
After the whole ordeal, it was time for the party at the tennis courts! This ran until around 9pm when canteen then started.
The fun carried on in the art department. 7 weeks after arriving at camp we decided to do a "Department bonding night" - better late than never right?
Nevertheless, it involved McDonalds and hide and seek. It was so funny, nobody could find me! I was literally sat behind a Gator outside WiFi for 20 minutes. I even missed the group photo because everyone gave up!

At around 12am I was in bed and ready to wake up early to wish my mum a happy birthday (and to have my day off).
Thursday 20th July
Finally a day off! I woke up at 6am to speak to my Mum as it's her birthday!
I sent her some flowers and chocolates home. I sent her a bunch of lily and roses, because beauty and the beast is our favourite film and lily's are our favourite flower and also my Grandma's.
At 8.30 we headed off to skinners falls with the rest of the alternate staff. It was such a hot day, it was so good to finally be able to actually sunbathe for a whole day and just chill.

We were picked up just in time for the thunder and rain starting!

At night I went to the cinemas with Steph and Emma to watch Cars3, it was acthally a really good and funny film!
Friday 21st July
Today was another hot day! It was a lovely day! Two girls and one of my girls showed up to my Batik lesson and the girls were saying how they want to come back every day and that i'm a great therapist haha! So that was so lovely! I love that they're also so enthusiastic about Batik.
Tonight we watched one of the carry over shows which was the Wizard of Oz. It was so cute! The little girl who played Dorothy was fab!
Saturday 22nd July
The weather cooled down today. I taught my little batik class again which was so cute!!
The bunk had their first smores party tonight too! Mia's mum had bought us all a smores party which was so sweet. We headed down to the pool after dinner and roasted marshmallows and had smores. They were so sickly but so good!
We watched another carry over show tonight called Goodbye Girl. I have never heard of the show before, but it was really funny and the cast pulled it off great.
Steph and I made our way to wifi before going to bed completely shattered. These long days are so exhausting!

Sunday 23rd July
Another typical day at FrenchWoods, plenty of singing, dancing and fun.
In the morning, Steph and I went to the gym and I also went again in my period off with one of my campers which was cute. I already hit my 10k step goal by 10am haha.
We played games with our head counselor in the evening. It was so funny, we had a riff off (I think thats what it's called). The best round was the Justin Bieber round. Of course, I rocked it.
Afterwards, we ate the rest of Mia's smores and played card games with the rest of the girls. It was such a nice bonding session with them all before bed.
Monday 24th July
LAZY DAY! Aka the BEST day.
We got to lay in bed until 10.15am and have brunch which consisted of pretzel bites, cinnamon buns, sausages and eggs mmmmm. One of the girls also went home today, as her show of the Wizard of Oz was finished, so now we only have 8 girls.
Today was also carnival day and one of the girls 13th Birthday! Our bunk and the bunk next door joined to do Candy Kebabs!

The camp literally got us an insane amount of candy! It was great haha. The girls would work in groups of 3 in 20 minute shifts to help out on our booth. The rest of the time they were free to do whatever they liked. There was a pie in the face booth, one of the bunks also did a haunted house! There was popcorn, candy floss, cupcake decorating and a huuuge slip and slide! It was so fun!

Some evil person even had the cheek to steak a whole kilo bag of our swedish fish!!!!! Pfft. After carnival ended, we just chilled out until dinner. It was lovely just to do pretty much nothing!
In the evening, we watched a band named Gravitonik (i'm pretty sure they formed at frenchwoods, or are former/current campers).

Finally, it was time for bed again! Honestly, i'm getting to that point where I never want camp to end. But I also just want a bit of time to myself and to sleep in a normal hotel bed haha.
It has been a lovely week with the new girls. I'm looking forward to the next 2ish weeks with them all! Then, it will be the last session. I can't believe it! I mean other camps are normally only 8 weeks so we would almost be finished now - how crazy.
Until next time.
Jade xoxo