Session 3, Week 2!
Monday, August 07, 2017Tuesday 25th July
Today was a tragic day.
I was greeted into the staff room from a message from my Dad saying "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news about Justin Bieber". Well that was it, I was having heart palpitations as I didn't know what happened.
Then I saw.
I felt so stupid that my bottom lip was quivering, but anyone that knows me understands my undenying love for the Biebs.
I understand his mental health comes first and all that, but his management shouldnt push him to do that many concerts. It's not fair that this is the third time I have been let down by him. Not just the first. It's so heartbreaking, we are over 3000 miles away from home, Robyn and I have booked hotels and transport.
And if things couldn't get any worse... my favourite lipstick broke!!
At night I had a great time bowling all my troubles away haha.

Wednesday 26th July
Finally another well needed day off! All the other alternates were going to the six flags theme park. But before I proceed to explain my day, another tragedy happened today. I dropped a nose stud down the porch! This was not a salvagable item for my porch saver device unfortunately. I swear i've lost 6 nose studs since being at camp, this is why nose rings are needed.
Anyway, my day. The kids were really nice and woke me up at 7.30am and again at around 8.40 until 9.30am when they came back from breakfast. I just gave sleeping in up as a bad job and began to get ready.
I went to the wifi room and of course facetimed my parents, because I legit cannot go a day without speaking to them and facetime them whenever I can. It sounds so silly that i'm 20 years old and some people can go weeks without speaking to their parents, but I just can't. And I must look so pathetic to some of the counselors but my parents and I are so close, they're my best friends.
Amy, Briony, Jessy, Serica, Jessy, Brandon, Tasha and I then walked to the Country Club which is a cute little lodge surrounded by a huge, beautiful golf course. My Grandad Outram would love it!

It was more pub lunch food at the country club, so I had chicken fingers and fries... uh I mean chips.

After a long chat we all headed back to camp to order a taxi to Hancock. It's not like taxis back at home where you can order one, and it will come 2 minutes later. These guys need notice haha.
We waited around an hour for a taxi and headed to Hancock. First of all, we went to the little supermarket called Tops. I got some cups of soup and ramen noodles!!! Not that camp food is bad, but I cant keep up with eating beastly amounts 3 times a day haha.
Amy also had fun eating her tub of civilised ice cream which wasn't a melted disaster from canteen.

We then had a stroll around, found a cute coffee shop, and sat enjoying the heat.

After, we headed to Little Italy for dinner... wait I mean tea. My Yorkshire roots are being ripped away from me I tell ya! I'm becoming more American by the day!
I had a ham calzone which was bloomin beautiful!

We then headed to McDonalds for dessert. Yes, Hancock has barely any phone service and is in the middle of the mountains with barely a supermarket... but it has a McDonalds of course haha.
Afterwards, we headed back to camp and went straight to wifi to watch High School Musical and part of Moana.
It was such a lovely day, so chilled out and great company.
Thursday 27th July
I awoke today not feeling too great. I know it was my day off, but I just felt so horrible and my head was pounding.
However, nature crafts cheered me up today as I made a little Yoda out of pine cones for our little Star Wars themed Nature Crafts Diarama for the art show.

How cute!
It was also race for the arts again today. Robbie and I walked together yet again prancing around to Hilary Duff tunes on his speaker.

After the race and obviously winning first place, it was time to go and watch a broadway song writer and composer in the Pavillion. Her name is Georgia Stitt and her daughter also attends the camp.

She was a very talented and lovely woman, keep a look out for her name! Her husband was somebody famous too - although I can't quite remember his name. I feel very lucky that we got to hear her songs and the meaning behind them. The camp are actually doing her show "Samantha Spade" this session.
Afterwards, it was the staff meeting and then bed time. I can't believe that today I have only 1 month of camp left and leave 4 weeks on Sunday?! I'm incredibly excited to see my parents and Aunty Di, but I love Frenchwoods and the people here so much. I'm going to miss it.
Friday 28th July
Today was the super bunk clean up. Basically, we have one every week pretty much but our bunk hasn't participated too much. Usually you create a theme for your bunk, and we are never too enthusiastic. But today was different, we actually created a birthday party theme, we handed invitations to the judges and everything!

We used the rest of Maddies smores kit, and used her flower cake for tea and cake. It was really good, so good that we won!!! Meaning we will probably be taken to the Cow Lick for ice cream!
It was troupe night again for evening activity, Glee troupe did their thing, and so did the older campers. Then it was Abby's time to shine again, she participated in improv troupe where they are given various scenarios and, well, improvise!
After Troupe night, I headed back to the bunk to get ready for the karaoke night at Little Italy in Hancock, where I had previously been for dinner on my day off.

It wasn't the best night, but I was surrounded by some great people and even had some pizza!
I have another funny story to add to todays entry.
So Robbie is a huge Hilary Duff fan like myself. When Robbie was younger, he took to the online world of Piczo and created a Hilary Duff fan page which he took oh so seriously. He sent out monthly news letters and was living the dream. Until he had to "fire" one of his "co-workers".

Bare in mind Robbie was around 10 years old at this point, I couldn't stop laughing.
And to make my day that bit better, he showed me an email he sent to Disney asking to be an actor along with his Ben Sherman photoshoot haha.

Oh Robbie I love you!
Saturday 29th July
Day 58 already!
Today was the last day before another lazy day, yes!!!
It was a pretty normal day at French Woods... well as normal as a day at French Woods can get haha.
I got to facetime my parents after they had been to Skipton and they were telling me everything they had booked for our family trip! I'm so excited now! It's so close.
Although, I think my mum spent half of the facetime bragging about all the British food they had in the house.

So not fair!!! I'm having serious British food withdrawals, I keep drinking 2 cups of tea at every meal. And it's lipton tea, which is gross in comparison to a good ol' tetley cuppa! I miss proper healthy food too, l miss proper wholemeal bread which doesn't look like it's white bread with dye in and contains heaps of sugar. I miss my mums and dads special Weight watchers meals, I miss marmite and cathedral cheddar cheese toasties agh! I still have a very long time to go before I get these luxuries haha.
In the evening, it was Ron's favourite night of the year - Concerto Night. Six very lucky musicians got to be the lead with a huge orchestra playing! It was absolutely insane! I really enjoyed it.
It was my bunk duty tonight, I had to make sure most the girls had a decent sleep as the majority are going to the city to see ths Broadway show "Hello Dolly" starring Bette Midler. Two girls are staying with me and we are going to have such a nice and relaxing day. I cannot wait.
Sunday 30th July
I only have officially 4 weeks left at camp, how insane. It's almost festival week already! We're almost into 4th Session. How did this happen?! I mean I feel like i've been here forever, but then again the weeks are going by so fast? I don't want my girls to leave!
I awoke at a sharp 7.30am with the girls going to Manhattan pottering around! Luckily, I managed to fall back into the deepest sleep and jumped awake at 10.15am to the ever so famous, good morning Frenchwoods over the tannoy. I was in such a good sleep and soooo needed more!
El, Bella and I strolled to Brunch at 10.45am. I had mac and cheese bites, a cinnamon roll, sausage and egg! Literally I love brunch, but I ALWAYS feel far too guilty after eating it!
We then headed back to the bunk to get ready for the pool. It appears I didn't get the memo about how hot it actually was as I didn't even bother to put my bikini on. I regret it instantly as I layed sunbathing absolutely roasting!

After the pool we got ready to go to the cinema to watch the emoji movie. Surprisingly, it was quite funny. But possibly the most cringey movie ever!
But we all got phone service - and the kids were happy because they got to phone their parents haha!
We had dinner, and played brain wars as our evening activity.
The girls were all fast asleep by 10.15 which was great.
Monday 31st July
I think we all awoke more sleepy after having a rest day haha!
The day was a typical day at camp.
In the evening, a woman whom is on broadway came to perform for us, she was amazing!

In the evening, I took over Alice's bunk duty, and all my girls were tucked up and asleep at 10.30, it was like heaven!
So that's the end of another daily diary of my life in the Woods! As much as this place can be so stressful at times, I wouldn't change this experience for the world.
The performing arts aspect of this camp is just truly phenomenal, I wish I had the opportunity these children have at tgis camp!
I'm sorry my blog is a little late! The next blog will be festival weekend take 3!
Sending lots of love from French Woods!
Jade xoxo