Session 1, Week 2

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Friday 15th June

A usual day in the fine arts department. Lots of friendship bracelet making and cutting string. 

Evening activity was the camper talent show which was amazing. There are some such talented kids at French woods. One kid even sang in Italian which was fab!

I was on duty tonight, so it was a nice early night for me. 

Saturday 16th June

It was a hot day again today! We were able to sit outside in the sun and make jewellery for first Major which was lovely. Sarah and I sat outside in the sun on our hour off which was lovely - it was so hot!

Evening activity was preview night which is basically a preview of all the shows being performed this session. It’s incredible how much these kids could learn in a matter of days! All my girls made me so proud when they were on stage. 

Sunday 17th June 

Only 3 sleeps til lazy day! 

The sun was shining again all day. The evening activity tonight was the dating game which was so funny. The kids get paired with a date to canteen by asking and answering questions about their idea of a perfect date etc. There was even a few counselor rounds haha.

I was on duty tonight, which was nice to have an early night again.

Monday 18th June 

Today was just as hot as our first day. It was so humid and sticky, I had three showers! There was literally no escape from the heat, I don’t think any air conditioning could have helped. Evening activity was karaoke night, and I must say that the dancing and singing didn’t help with the stickiness and humidity. It was a lot of fun to say the least. 

It finally rained in the evening and it’s the night which cleared the air so much - we were all so thankful haha.

Tuesday 19th June

Only 1 sleep til our day off! Today was nice and chilled out - and also hot! Of course I sunbathed in my hour off haha.

Evening activity was race for the arts which is a 4K race around camp - it’s good fun. 

At around 10pm, school buses came to pick up the counselors who were off duty to go bowling in Hancock. It was good fun and nice to mingle with the other counselors as we haven’t really had chance to since orientation week.

Wednesday 20th June

LAZY DAY! Finally. Most counselors went to Niagara Falls, but because I went last year and because I’m going after camp with my parents I decided not to go. Elisha, Louise, Elly and I caught the bus with the kids into Hancock after breakfast (I tried a deep fried Twinkie which was so strange). The kids who didn’t go to Broadway to see The Bands Visit watched Incredibles 2, whilst we wandered around the sleepy town of Hancock. There is literally nothing in Hancock, so we just came back to camp with the kids. I FaceTimed my parents, had a nap and watched Ella Enchanted before dinner. It was nice just to chill out and not do much today - I can’t say I feel refreshed though! 

I can’t believe the first day of festival week starts tomorrow! I also can’t believe we’ve actually only been here 2 and a half weeks!

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